Lietuvos pionierius Nr. 4
Andre titler: Lithuanian Pioneer No. 4
År: 1961
Beskrivelse: Lithuanian pioneers in the Palace of Congresses in Moscow congratulate the Delegates of Soviet Communist Party XX II - th Congress. Pioneers give flowers to the members of the Presidium. Soviet Communist Party Central Committee General Secretary Nikita Khrushchev and others state leaders in Presidium. Lithuanian pioneer of Siauliai No 1 boarding school Vytautas Jakstas shares his impressions of the Congress in their school. Christine Baniūtė tells about her impressions of the Congress in Kursenai children’s home. Trucks carry scrap metal from Molėtai to Vilnius. Jubilee - 1000 th newspaper “Lietuvos pionierius” (“Lithuanian pioneer ") number. Gražina Kriaučiūnaitė from Panevėžys Seven-year School No. 2 tells about her own - a newspaper correspondent worries. Panevėžys sewing factory Nevėžis (The Nevėžis). The girl not only writes about the factory, but also learns to sew in it with other classmates. In Vilnius 27 - th secondary school pupils carry out an industrial traineeship. In a specialized class pupils study assembling of different mechanisms, learn how machines work. The meeting of pioneers organization takes place in Kaunas 22 th secondary school. Pioneers on duty in the cinema “Daina” (“Song"). Pioneers carry medicines to patients at home from the pharmacy. Children headed by a pharmacist Pranas Kairys. Young ballet dancers perform in kindergarten. Pioneers of the Republican Pavilnys Naturalists Station rake leaves in the garden and get in the cabbage harvest. The harvest is exposed in the Republican Exhibition of Autumn Goods.
Nøgleord: Kultūra / Lengvoji pramonė / Politika / Švietimas / Vaistinės / Culture / Politics / Education
Udbyder: Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybės Archyvas
Rettigheder: In Copyright / Lietuvos Centrinis Valstybes Archyvas
Farve: Black & White
Director: Antanina Pavlova
Sound: With sound